We found Dewey to be largely unchanged. A little more building and a fine looking Ecology school. This was a great place to spend New Years as they Culebrans know how to celebrate. Everyone dresses up and goes to the town square. There is a constant parade of interesting people, lots of good food and very impressive amateur fireworks. Live band. Lots of beer. Good fun.
We sailed from Los Palaminos to Luis Pena on one tack. Light winds and very smooth seas. Luis Pena, a small cay off of the Puerto Rico side of Culebra had several DNR moorings and was empty towards evening.
Culebra is great. There are three main anchorages, each with its own charms. Ensenada Honda near the sleepy beach town of Dewey, is the main anchorage. Very protected and still, it lies at the head of a long bay with its only entrance a narrow cut in the reefs at the mouth in the south east. This must be a fabulous hurricane hole. The second is just inside the reef at the entrance of the bay with charming views out to sea. The third is the lovely sister island of Culebrita which is inhabited mostly by turtles and is the get away from the get away.
El Batey has a dinghy dock and is close to Customs at the airport. A fisherman brought in a particularly large lobster and our waitress nervously modeled it.. |
This store posts the true hours of many of the local establishments. Dewey largely avoids the overly frantic lifestyle off the main Island
Dewey has a cut which you can dinghy through from Ensendada Honda to the ferry dock. |
Les, NP2G, lives and plays bagpipes on his boat in Ensenada Honda. He co-hosts the Caribbean Net at 7:00AM on 7248Mhz |
Culebra served as a practice beach landing area like its sister island of Vieques but largely got out of the business a little earlier. Tito Figuerosa and The Captain examine the remains. |
Sunset Culebrita |
Culebrita features a little pool fed from the sea called the "Jacuzzi" because of the turbulent bubbling when the waves come in. Eaux Vives is this water. |